Carnatic Music Notation Typesetter – Release v1.2
Version 1.2 of the Carnatic Music Notation Typesetter is now released. This release contains some new features, and a few bug fixes
New Features:
The following new features were added for version v1.2:
- Improved Look and Feel: This version includes an improved look and feel with the buttons in the notation input area being now part of a graphical toolbar.
- Open and Save support: Now, you can save your notation input locally as a file on your computer. Correspondingly after you open the typesetter, you can ask it load the open file. To save your input, click on the
button. To load input from a file, click on the
button. Please note the following that both open and save operations require the notation input to be sent to the server and back (Note: This is the recommended way a web-application should implement open/save, and it also is the most portable in terms of usability with different browsers).
- Support for khaNDa tripuTa tala has been added. Please refer to this example page.
- English notation output prunes out some script specific idiosyncrasies: In Tamil notations, sometimes you may be required to explicitly specify the n2 or ^n to force the typesetter to use the correct Tamil character for the na phoneme (
instead of
) . Also, based on your preference, you may explicitly specify s2 to direct the typesetter to use the alternate Tamil sa phoneme character (
) rather than the standard sa/ca phoneme character (
). While such inputs will display as intended when rendered in Tamil, if there is a need to also see them in English, then the n2s, ^ns, and s2s are not meaningful, and can make the text less readable. Hence, the typesetter output prunes these out when displaying in English..
Please refer to the manual for more information on these new features.
Bug Fixes/Other
- A bug in handling of Tisra Eka Tala has been fixed. Previously the typesetter was laying out Tisra Eka Tala incorrectly as catuSra laghu, tiSra gati. It now correctly lays it out as tisra laghu, catusra gati.
- Also Varnam layout for Eka Tala (all supported variants) was not working correctly. This has been fixed
- A bug in handling Tisra Triputa Tala has been fixed. Previously the Tisra Triputa Tala specification was being rejected with an internal error “no incoming layout”.
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