Arun’s (mostly carnatic) World

August 18, 2008

Carnatic Music Notation Typesetter – Release v1.3

Filed under: CM Notation Typesetter,Release Notes — arunk @ 10:27 am

Version 1.3 of the Carnatic Music Notation Typesetter is now released. This release contains the following improvements

The input area and notation area panes can now be resized: The spacing between the notation area on the top, and the input area in the bottom can now be resized by using a splitter

Click on the splitter and while holding the mouse button down, drag the mouse up or down to resize the panes.

Better support for gati switches: On encountering a gati switch (Gati directive), the notation typesetter sometimes may switch the default speed of swaras. For example,

  • If the default speed is 2, and the gati switches from catusra gati to any other gati, the typesetter changes the default speed to 1. What this happens, four swaras per akshara (i.e. catusra gati for speed 2), switches to three, five, seven or nine i.e. tisra, khanda, miSra, sankIRna gatis at speed of 1. This is done to match what typically happens in practice, where on a gati switch for the same speed, tiSra packs the least # of swaras per akshara (3), followed by catusra (4), then khaNDa (5), then miSra (7), and then sankIrNa (9). The automatic implicit change of default speed thus allows the gati switches in the typesetter to be more inline with their natural usage in practice.
  • Conversely when switching from non-catusra gati at a speed of 1, to catusra gati, the default speed is increased to 2.

It should also be noted when the gati switches back to the default gati of the song, the default speed of the swaras is restored to the original default speed.

The above speed change is done only for specific cases. If a gati switch is specified for a song in catusra gati with a default speed of 1 (rather than 2), then no speed change is done. This can result in tiSram packing more swaras than catusram. Please see the Gati directive in the manual for information on how to get around this problem.

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