Arun’s (mostly carnatic) World

February 8, 2008


Filed under: — arunk @ 8:50 pm

Hello and welcome to Arun’s (mostly carnatic) World!

I am arun(k), and I live with my family near Chicago. I am a huge fan of carnatic music, and I do programming for a living. This website is mainly about the product of that union, and hosts the carnatic music related web applications that I have developed. It is a WordPress based site. Even though WordPress is primarly intended for blogging, I think it will serve my needs here. I think I can use the blog like format to provide periodic update information, hints/tips etc. Also this can allow users to ask questions, suggest improvements via comments.

I have three applications on this website

  • Typesetter, with which you can typeset carnatic music notation and generate attractive looking notations like you see in carnatic music notation. You can even typeset notations in Tamil, Telugu, Sanskrit and Kannada.
  • Transliterator, with which you can have the lyrics of carnatic music compositions printed out in Tamil, Telugu, Sanskrit and Kannada. For this purpose, the application uses a common transliteration scheme for all these languages. You type in the lyrics in English, but following this scheme and then with a click of a button, you can have the lyrics rendered in Tamil, Telugu, Sanskrit or Kannada.
  • Gamaka Modeling with MIDI, a purely experimental application, which lets you model gamakas as any arbitrary curve and have your computer play it using MIDI. Please note that this application is a Java applet.

You can access these applications using the links on the left.

Please give me feedback via comments, or by sending mail to me at arunk underscore the_number_fifteen at yahoo dot com.


  1. excellent work!! can it be down loaded and the notation typed offline?

    Comment by pushpa — March 4, 2008 @ 8:00 am

  2. Thanks pushpa. At this point not easily. But I will be making the source available for download soon, at which time I will include some instructions on how to install it locally.

    Comment by arunk — March 7, 2008 @ 9:21 am

  3. Dear Arun

    Ms. Prema Bhat will be coming to the Chicago area (Crystal Lake) on October 19, 2008 to perform a concert of Carnatic music. Please contact me if you want more information.

    Thank you,

    Budd Friend-Jones

    Comment by Budd Friend-Jones — August 31, 2008 @ 5:07 am

  4. Awesome programs man! Keep up the good work.

    Language: tamil, and everything comes in tamil! pure magic :)

    Please open-source them, if you haven’t done already.

    Comment by Ananth — October 10, 2008 @ 9:01 am

  5. Dear Sri Arun,
    I am verymuch fascinated by seeing your e music notation
    I am verymuch ashamed of not contributing any service to music
    as you all do.I become only an enduser.Anyway my hearty congratulations.
    As intimated by you is the software made ready for download and
    for installation by us ? Pl do so if not already done.
    With best regards and blessings of the lords,

    Comment by R.Ramjee — July 20, 2009 @ 3:19 am

  6. Hi, Can you publish the notations created by the users of this software?, so that others can make use of them to learn carnatic music.

    Comment by Murali — November 15, 2009 @ 7:45 pm

  7. Excellent! Damn useful for me!!!

    one small suggestion:
    I usually like to have swarams in english and lyrics in sanskrit…
    why not have a language field for LyricPrefs and SwaraPrefs…
    I believe (correct me if i am wrong) that I have to put Language:english in front of every swara and Language:sanskrit in front of every lyrics to do it…

    Please tell me if there already exists an easy way to do this…

    Comment by Srivatsan — January 13, 2010 @ 9:59 pm

  8. Arunji,
    One question: In your article:
    You have mentioned: for higher speeds tisra takes 3/6 swaras per akshara chatusra takes 2/4, khanda 5/10… sankeerna 9/19 (shd have been 18?)
    Later under caveats section – you further mention
    For the same default speed (i.e. 0 1 2 ), tisram here packs more swaras than catusra, which is unexpected and does not match with the natural usage
    What do you mean by the above?
    (1) your typesetter is implemented per music theory – but practice is different
    (2) or practice is correct by typesetter is incorrect (and so is theory?)
    Any clarifications would be appreciated. This would help in my s/w I am developing that can generate/play music lessons for any raagas/thaalas/jaathis/jathis/speeds

    Comment by music_programmer — June 22, 2010 @ 8:49 am

  9. Dear Arun,

    For anyone learning carnatic music online, guruswara has come up with
    a online training tool for carnatic music.

    GuruSwara is the first of its kind online Carnatic music solution for
    vocal excellence that has been developed to revolutionise and
    transform Carnatic music practicing methodology.

    GuruSwara will enable the Gurus’ to give assignments and track
    students’ progress.

    Students can practice and assess their performance in accordance with
    the parameters like Sruti, Laya, Bhavam, Swaram, and Gamakam.

    If you find this tool interesting, please let anyone know, who is
    interested in learning carnatic music, but do not have access to
    physical resources due to non-availability of gurus or vicinity
    problem. Guruswara can be handy to them.


    Comment by Rajender Vallapureddy — March 2, 2012 @ 5:33 am

  10. Dear Mr. Arun,

    I earlier requested you to enable us to download the transliterator and other s/ware since we do not know about the future of the page whether it would be available always. I repeat my request to help us kindly taking some pain in the midst of your hectgic activities to enable us to download and instal the program.

    May the Almighty bless you and members of your family for the noble work


    Comment by Srinivasan — March 30, 2012 @ 11:48 pm

  11. Hi,

    Thanks for the wonderful service. I had two requests:

    1) Is it possible to add lyrics without swarams as in anucharanam which follows same tune as anupallavi.

    2) It would be great if the lyrics could take subscripts to specify pronounciation. For a hard ‘n’ example, it would be nice to add a dot below.

    Please let me know for Point 1 above , if its possible…Thanks

    Comment by Sowmya A — November 4, 2012 @ 9:53 pm

  12. Hmm,

    I now see that I could use the ‘Heading’ directive for Point 1. So only require Point 2 answer please..

    Comment by Sowmya A — November 4, 2012 @ 9:56 pm

  13. Hi Arun,

    This is Venkatesh from Bangalore. I have worked for Software Industry for 15 years both in software development and project management positions.

    I am a learning carnatic musician from 7 years and very passionate about it. When I was searching for carnatic music scripting software I found a couple of them and your’s is one such. Kudos for your effort and trying something unique for this music field. I went thru’ your software.

    As I am from Software field I know how a software engineer will attempt in writing such a software. I assume you have Carnatic Music knowledge also just like me. But the expectations of professional musicians and musicologists from these kind of softwares are something different and big.

    In your software (Really sorry to say this) it falls short of a general minimum expectations of a musician / musicologist.

    At the highest level the minimum requirement from musicians is:

    1. Indicate Raga and Thala and provide corresponding swaras and lyrics with only minimum directives like sthayi and speed of swaras. The software should sense the laghu and drutha as per Thala structure and put bars automatically for the same, and after that avartha should repeat. And dots (sthayis) / underlines (indicating speed) should be drawn as per directive provided.

    Unfortunately your software does not do this and also will take more time in providing input to get the desired output. It expects so much from the user. Most of the people feel that they can create the script faster in MS word than this software. I took 1 hour in MS word and 2-3 hours using your software with so many undo / redos and still not created complete script.

    I am just sharing my opinion and It is only for the betterment of software and for the benefit of entire music community.

    Can you please mention your e-mail Id to my Id ( so that will send you my PDF file of the music script which I created using MS word.

    Can you kindly create a Typesetting Input for the entire script of the krithi that I will be sending to you in PDF. If you can send screen shots of the entire script in Typesetting Window will help us a lot.


    Comment by Venkatesh — January 7, 2013 @ 6:22 am

  14. Dear Arun,
    I stumbled on your type setter and found it very interesting and useful. I have a couple of questions.
    1) Is it possible to code 2 avartnams in one line? This would be useful for higher speed compositions with lots of charanams so that they can be fit on a single page.
    2) Is it possible to add a comment at the end of sangati to indicate to repeat?
    3) Kampita representation using tilda is not working for me. I use MAC. Is there any special thing I need to do?

    I appreciate your assistance.
    Sivarama Kodukula

    Comment by Sivarama Kodukula — March 26, 2013 @ 12:08 pm

  15. Hi Arun,
    Kampita and other special symbols to represent gamakas, jaru etc. are working with Safari browser and not with Firefox. Also, when I tried to create a pdf with Firefox, it wrapped the text between pages and made it illegible. It worked with Safari though. BTW, I followed your instructions, to check the two boxes (images and background), and did not help.
    Thanks for great work!


    Comment by Sivarama Kodukula — March 26, 2013 @ 4:48 pm

  16. Great effort. I would like to get involved in popularizing the Thamizhisai.

    Comment by Thillai Kumaran — June 8, 2013 @ 10:57 pm

  17. dear sir,
    i have a request is there any possibility to learn the varnams in tisra gati with tisra gati tala and notation both adi tala and ata tala varnams with your notation settings. pl. help me

    Comment by very interesting — January 15, 2014 @ 12:59 pm

  18. Dear Arun,
    Nice job. Will you be able to share the latest source code? I am very much interested in improving this.



    Comment by Mahesha — March 15, 2014 @ 3:17 am

  19. What words… super, an excellent idea

    Comment by kuhnikusa — January 5, 2015 @ 5:18 am

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    Comment by vamsms — May 18, 2015 @ 12:31 am

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    Comment by スーパーコピー時計専売店当店は海外安心と信頼のスーパーコピーブライトリング、代引き店です.正規品と同等品質のシャネル コピー代引き,品質が秀逸,値段が激安!ブライトリングコピ — November 15, 2015 @ 4:11 am

  24. Hi Arun,

    I landed on your site thro Srikant’s translipi site. Your Transliterator is the best available application for Tamil, thousand times better than ITRANS, Google Input Method(GIM) and host of other packages link Azhagi+, Baraha, ShreeLipi ….

    Great job, keep it up.


    Comment by Seshadri — December 28, 2015 @ 1:24 am

  25. I delight in, lead to I found exactly what I used to be taking a look for.
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    Comment by — February 6, 2016 @ 1:34 pm

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    Comment by Marsontab — March 14, 2016 @ 5:48 am

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    Comment by Ferrerotab — March 25, 2016 @ 9:05 am

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    Comment by Piscottab — April 2, 2016 @ 1:53 pm

  31. Hi Sir,

    I tried using your notation maker. Excellent work sir. Appreciate to make it public. I tried saving the generated notations and PDF and i see the sthaayee markers, the melsthaayee and down sthaayee dots above and below the swaras are missing in the PDF. Do you think it is because of the PDF version that i might have which is swallowing these characters. I am doing the research parallely as well. Just thought would ask you and find out.


    Comment by Rajani — September 16, 2016 @ 9:56 pm

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    Comment by Scottfef — January 31, 2017 @ 3:38 am

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    Comment by Marcusted — February 21, 2017 @ 11:39 am

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    Самое ужасное, что официальные положения по ДМО находятся в открытом доступе, просто натыкались на эту информацию единицы.
    Как отстоять свои права?
    О правилах предоставления услуги и обязанностях частных клиник можно узнать, сделав запрос в Яндексе: “добровольное медицинское обслуживание”.
    Обязательно обслуживание, а не страхование.


    Comment by Galenthura — March 10, 2017 @ 11:48 am

  36. Hi Arun,

    I am using the latest version which has the option for margins. But still struggling with the left and right margins for the notations page. It works fine, i mean it considers the margins if i just say write the lyrics using the headings sections. But for the notations, i refresh the website and and i try to print, the margin values are ignored. Still seeing what else can be done.

    We can chat if you are free. I am willing to contribute to your efforts as well as this is very helpful to create Notation books.


    Comment by Rajanikanth J — March 25, 2017 @ 10:33 pm

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    Listcrawler is properties of Grownup Buddy Locater, which is one of the biggest and the majority of successful online dating solutions. Adult Buddy Finder also has Largest Loser and Matchbox, so there is one thing on the market for just about any sort of online dating website. If you wish to hookup with one of these escorts, all you have to do is hunt for them in the listcrawler web site and choose one that suits you the most effective. A lot of the escorts are pretty relaxed and therefore are enthusiastic to reach know somebody just as much as you will. They are just about everywhere and outlined by brand, area, condition, region and even region.

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  123. In addition to their delicious taste, many sea pets have several health advantages.

    They are known for their high degrees of minerals and vitamins.
    However because they are reduced in vitamin C, they must be offered
    with citrus things. While clams as well as shrimp are extremely healthy and balanced, they
    additionally do not have vitamin C, which is why they are frequently coupled with citrus foods.
    While they are not a best selection for all diet
    plans, there are a couple of other sorts of
    fish and shellfish you should avoid if you are attempting to decrease your carbon impact.

    Typically, sea animals are consumed as a component of their daily
    diet regimen. Iceland, western Norway, the Atlantic coast of France, and also
    some coastal parts of South West England appreciate it,
    specifically the scallops, mussels, as well as clams.
    Other kinds of fish and shellfish consist of the
    following: oysters, crayfish, as well as marinaded herring.
    While every one of these ranges have a rich range of wellness
    advantages, they are not recommended for vegans.

    While many individuals are scared of sharks, eels are an excellent choice for those that are averse to fish.

    They are low in fat, but still contain a great deal of flavor.
    The bones of eels are conveniently eliminated and it will certainly not
    hurt your digestive system. This indicates you can eat it raw, yet don’t
    neglect to remove the head prior to eating it. It is very essential to seek the proper means to prepare this seafood, as it will certainly influence the taste of your meal.

    There are many ways to prepare sea food. You can either grill or boil
    it or you can eat it raw. The best kind is usually
    the very best alternative, and crabs and crayfish ought to be cooked according to your choice.

    Besides, crabs are an excellent source of healthy protein as well as vitamin C.
    So, while it’s a fragile as well as healthy means to eat seafood, remember to watch out
    for its safety. You’ll be surprised at the outstanding
    tastes it needs to supply!

    Whether you are a fan of raw fish or a meat enthusiast, sea
    food is scrumptious and can satisfy all your tastes.
    Although that it is raw, it has lots of benefits that you’ll value.
    For one, it’s natural and also scrumptious. It also offers your body an increase of necessary vitamins.
    And when it comes to vitamin C, the ocean is a superb area to seek it.
    Its freshness makes it an unique food source.

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    ยังมี เสียง ที่เพิ่ม
    ให้คนเล่น ได้สัมผัส เสมือน ได้รับ โลก ของตัวขั้วหลัก โจ๊กเกอร์ที่มีชื่อเสียง

    ในแง่ ระบบการเล่น ของ ‘Joker Slot Game’ นั้น น่าสนใจเช่นกัน โดยมี ระบบการเล่น ที่เข้าถึงได้ง่าย และศึกษา อย่างสะดวก นักพนัน สามารถ ร่วมสนุกไปกับ กิจกรรมหมุนวงล้อ
    และพยายาม ดำเนินตาม รางวัลการเงิน ซึ่งมี มากเหลือเกิน ช่องทาง ไม่ว่าจะเป็นการจ่ายเงินรางวัล แบบคงที่ และการจ่ายเงินรางวัล ที่ไม่ตายตัว ที่กระตุ้นให้เพิ่ม ความเร้าใจ ให้กับผู้ใช้งาน

    และที่น่าสนใจมิใช่น้อย ‘Joker Slot Game’ ยังประกอบด้วย คุณลักษณะ
    พิเศษ ที่หลากหลาย เช่น ฟีเจอร์โบนัส การหมุนด้วย

    นอกจากนี้ ‘Joker Slot Game’ ยังมีสิ่งที่น่าสนใจ หลากหลายอย่าง ที่ส่งเสริม ให้เกมแห่งนี้ สร้าง การติดตาม มากยิ่งขึ้น จากกลุ่มผู้ใช้งาน สล็อตออนไลน์

    อย่างไรก็ดี ‘Joker Slot Game’ ยังคงเป็น ข้อด้อย บางประการ ที่เป็น
    ควรจะ ความไม่เข้าใจ ให้กับ บุคคลทั่วไป บางประเภท ในบางจุด

    ด้วยเหตุนี้ ผู้เล่น
    พร้อมที่จะ ได้รับความเพลิดเพลิน อย่างเต็มประสิทธิภาพ และเกิด
    ความตื่นเต้น ในการ เล่น ‘Joker Slot Game’ ผู้ดูแล อาจจะต้องพิจารณา พัฒนา ข้อด้อย ที่พบ อันจะทำให้ ผู้ใช้งาน ก็สามารถ เพลิดเพลิน ไปกับ ‘Joker Slot Game’ ได้อย่างเต็มความสามารถ

    my webpage … เว็บคาสิโนออนไลน์ที่มีโบนัสและโปรโมชั่นดีที่สุด มีรางวัลแจ็กพอตมากมายให้ลุ้น และมีระบบที่ช่วยให้สมาชิกเล่นได้อย่างสะดวกสบาย

    Comment by เว็บคาสิโนออนไลน์ที่มีโบนัสและโปรโมชั่นดีที่สุด มีรางวัลแจ็กพอตมากมายให้ลุ้น และมีระบบ — June 21, 2024 @ 4:17 pm

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